PPG Meeting Minutes

July 2022

Meeting Date: Tuesday 4th July 2022 Start Time: 12.30 pm
Location: Norman Centre, Town Hall End Time: 1.30pm
Present: David Forward (DF); Robert Harland (RH); Sue Lake (SL); Mark McGlade (MM); Deborah Mitchell (DM); Ellie Rejzl (ER); Mike Rice (MR); Peter Frean (PF); Chris Kitson (CK); Jacqui Ruhlig (JR); Richard Waller (RW)
Absent: Lynette Oram (LO); Judy Wright (JW)

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from LO and JW

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting, dated 3rd May 2022, were agreed previously to be a true account and have been published on the practice website.

Practice Update

Ben Hallmark is on phased return and currently working Mondays and Wednesdays

Helen Parkes is currently on sick leave.

Jo Keeler has returned from retirement and is working 2 days per week – she no longer clinics as her role is not entirely focussed on the frail patients and hospital avoidance.

The practice is currently advertising for a part-time secretary, full-time receptionist, 6 sessional GP.

Check-in Screen:  Several PPG members have been helping with the surgery in the mornings, showing patients how they can mark they as arrived for their appointment.  This has been huge help to the reception team.  Its been noted that younger patients mostly use the machine already but the older patients have needed some support.  Also, older patients are not as keen to enter their mobile numbers as they prefer a phone call on their landline.

DM is hugely grateful to the PPG to giving up their time as this has made a significant difference to the number of patient who are now able to use the check-in screen.

Covid-19 Vaccine: We are currently awaiting further information regarding the Autumn Vaccine.

Bike for Budleigh: ER would like the support of the PPG to source an electric bike for surgery.  Please see her proposal in Appendix 1.

  • Action: MM to source an electric bike
  • Action: CK to speak with Town Council re possible funding
  • Action: DM to speak with the health centre charity re possible funding


None received

Next Newsletter (Autumn 2022)

Agreed to postpone until the Flu Dates have been confirmed

  • Action: DM to speak with Kathryn Blurton re scheduled dates.

Any other business

There was discussion regarding the pharmacies in Budleigh.

There are currently 2 licences for the population and size of Budleigh Salterton.  These are both held by Lloyds who have advised their 2 shops are completely independent of one another.

It is known that Lewis Pharmacy in Exmouth has previously sought to get a licence for the town but has been refused.  They still remain interested should a licence become available.

SL has been helping in the surgery this morning and has noted that most queries to reception are relating to prescriptions problems.

SL has written to Devon CCG, LPC, Lloyds Pharmacy, MP Simon Jupp but there is not yet a solution.  The main problem is a lack of pharmacists and this is being felt throughout the South West.  

  • Action: SL will write again to the Devon CCG asking for an update on licences with a copy to LPC and Simon Jupp.

DM was asked if the practice experienced problems with the local pharmacies.  There is a greater number of disgruntled patients, but this is affecting all pharmacies – Tesco pharmacy was closed for several hours most days last week.  

She also advised that patients have unrealistic expectations in that they will present to the surgery on the day the medication is due and demand they are seen and dealt with as it is urgent because they have run out.  Patients need to take some personal responsibility for ordering their medications on time and this will help with the service.

ER advised there was a voluntary WhatsApp group within WEB for the local pharmacies and prescribers for locating out of stock medication.  

MR asked about patients being able to request medications early.  DM confirmed that currently this can be done 7 days in advance.  ER advised that due to safety issues this could not be changed for all patients and would be medication specific but that would need to be a conversation between the doctor and the patient.  Alternatively, patients can request for 3 monthly medication rather than monthly.

CK has aske Ellis Dudley, PCN Pharmacist, could attend the next meeting.  DM will speak with Ellis.

Devon and Cornwall Shared Record (DCRR): DM spoked about the Devon and Cornwall Shared Record (DCRR) which is a data sharing agreement between multiple healthcare and social care organisations.

The lawful basis for the sharing is not consent and in terms of the duty of confidentiality, implied consent will be relied upon, rather than explicit. 

The current National Opt Out would not apply to this as it is for direct patient care and therefore patients would need to opt out via a different platform.

Access is for viewing only and records can only be accessed by health and care professionals who have a legitimate reason for access and only for the provision of direct care. There is no data extraction.

Dr Davis is the practice’s Caldicott Guardian and attended a recent meeting with DM on this.  The proposal has been put together very well.  The only concern is that there is a lack of publicity surrounding this.  DM would propose to inform patients via Facebook, Website, posters in the practice and SMS to all patients over the age of 16 with a mobile number.

  • Action: DM to send further information the PPG

Next meeting

13th September 2022, 12:30pm