PPG Meeting Minutes

May 2023 - AGM

Meeting Date: Tuesday 3rd May 2023 Start Time: 12:30pm
Location: Norman Centre, Budleigh Salterton End Time: 1:30pm
Present: Brian Taylor (BT) David Forward (DF); Peter Frean (PF); Chris Kitson (CK); Sue Lake (SL); Mark McGlade (MM); Lynette Oram (L); Liz Plaatsman (LP); Mike Rice (MR); Lisa Smallacombe (LS); Judith Sedgwick (JS): Richard Waller (RW)
Absent: Robert Harland (RH); Deborah Mitchell (DM); Jacqui Ruhlig (JR); Judy Wright (JW)

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies given by SL.

Previous AGM Minutes

Agreed to be true and correct.

Matters Arising

BT talked about the current situation at the Medical Centre and acknowledged that it has been a difficult few years but finally Covid seems to be behind us and team members that have been on long term sick leave are now returning to practice.  The Medical Centre has welcomed Dr Lucy Craven to the practice as GP Partner.

The Medical Centre is keen to work alongside the PPG for the benefit of the patients and thanks their support

LP mentioned that on discussion with her dermatologist, he would be willing to hold a talk for the public regarding dermatology concerns (moles)

Chairperson’s Report 2022/2023

See Appendix 1.  

Thank you SL.

Appendix 1

Budleigh Salterton GP Practice
Patient Participation Group
Chairpersons report AGM May 2023

Budleigh Salterton Patient Participation Group (PPG) has continued to be busy. We regularly meet face to face and are always joined by members of the Medical Centre (MC) team. This PPG remains fortunate to continue to have 10 active members whilst membership has been significantly reduced in some PPGs in the Woodbury, Exmouth and Budleigh (WEB) area. 

Dr Karen Heaney has now retired and we wish her a long and happy retirement. The MC has been successful in recruiting Dr Lucy Craven as well as having regular locum doctors who know both the MC and many of the registered patients. The increase in workload at the MC continues to cause pressure upon the team but they also continue to rise to the challenges.  From information which the PPG are able to gather we see the service which we receive in our area is significantly better than many other parts of the country. What is disappointing is the number of patients who do not attend for a booked appointment (known as DNAs) has significantly increased over the past year. The appointments with the nurses seem to be the worst affected by DNAs.

The PPG are pleased to see that the increased support, which the WEB Primary Care Network (PCN) has put in place, continues to benefit local patients. Support from PCN pharmacists provides increased review and monitoring of patient medications whilst the ability for patients to see a physiotherapist at the MC has also proved beneficial. In addition, there is advice and support for patients from the team of health care coaches.

Over the past year more patients are accessing MC services through the use of the NHS App; this has proved helpful for both patients and the MC team. The PPG are hearing very positive feedback from patients.

The PPG continue to monitor local commercial pharmacy services and the impending closure of the local pharmacy supplier. It is still anticipated that a new supplier will take over both licences at the end of May 2023. Concerns about a monopoly on the High Street have been raised with government departments (including NHS England and the Competition and Markets Authority). Our local MP is also kept fully briefed by the PPG. 

The PPG Newsletters are still popular and we continue to produce hard copies which are left at key locations in the town and villages for people to pick up. The Newsletter is available electronically and the list of recipients continues to grow, it is also posted upon the MC website. The feedback we receive is that the information provided is very helpful and many find it an interesting read. 

Some of the activities which members of the PPG have been involved with over the past year include:

  • Attending the MC to encourage patients to use the electronic screen in the entrance to check-in for appointments. Use of the screen helps to free up time for the front desk staff to answer patients’ questions and requests for help. 
  • We have reviewed the repeat prescription issuing process and seen that a detailed review of each request receives detailed scrutiny and is quickly passed to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice for completion 
  • The PPG have joined the admin team first thing in the morning when the MC opens to see how calls for appointments are handled. You will see from the regular reporting in the Newsletter that the number of calls is always high but the PPG have seen that they are all handled on a first come first served basis and if patients request a call back (rather than hang on) this does happen. The ‘phone system monitors calls that are queuing to ensure that they are responded to in the sequence in which they were made. Our view is that the Admin. team try their best to help and they are sympathetic to patient’s needs although there are occasions when they are operating under difficult circumstances. It was noted however that some patients are less than polite when making calls to the Medical Centre.

Two long serving members of our PPG are stepping down this year - Richard Waller and Mike Rice. Both have staunchly supported the PPG and their contributions will be missed. We are all very grateful for their support and the many hours they have given to the PPG. I am pleased to say that we have two potential new members who will be standing for election at this AGM.

The PPG Constitution will be reviewed at this meeting. There is a necessity to change to wording to reflect the new NHS organisation, we now have the Integrated Care Board (ICB) which replaces the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The new ICB will continue to commission health services for the whole of Devon.  It is also proposed that the current membership number of 10 be increased to 13 to allow for additional members to support the group. 

As always, the PPG will be very pleased to hear from local residents who are registered at the Budleigh Salterton MC. Good news is always welcome but we will also listen to concerns and, where appropriate, share them with the MC team (who we have found to be responsive and helpful whenever we talk to them). You can contact us at:


Contact the surgery online using our secure online form

By Post:

Budleigh Salterton Medical Centre, 1 The Lawn, Budleigh Salterton,  EX9 6LS

Election and Re-Election of Committee Members for 2022/2023

The objectives of the PPG are to produce a regular newsletter to keep patients informed and made aware of health news concerning patients and the Practice; to help patients become more informed and educated about their own health and healthcare by providing means for the dissemination of health information of all kinds; and to develop ways for patients to help in times of need and to develop a community spirit amongst patients

The PPG Constitution requires the Committee to have a minimum of 9 elected members. Committee members serve for a 3 year period and can then stand for re-election. 

Stepping down this AGM are Mike Rice and Richard Waller.  In their place, Liz Plaatsman and Judith Sedgwick will stand for election.

It was proposed by committee members and seconded by committee members that that they both be elected to the PPG.

The remaining members have confirmed they are happy to be re-elected: Peter Frean, Chris Kitson, Mark McGlade, Lynette Oram, Jacqui Rhulig and Judy Wright.

In the absence of attendance by members of the public the election of candidates was conducted by members of the Committee.

It was proposed by committee members and seconded by committee members that the above members be re-elected to the PPG.

Appointment of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary for 2022/2023

The remaining members have confirmed they are happy to be re-elected: David Forward, Sue Lake and Deborah Mitchell.

It was proposed by Group members and seconded by Group members that Sue Lake be re-elected to the PPG as Chairperson.

It was proposed by Group members and seconded by Group members that David Forward be re-elected to the PPG as Vice Chairperson.

It was proposed by Group members and seconded by Group members that Deborah Mitchell be re-elected to the PPG as secretary.

Review of the PPG Constitution

A review of changes to the Constitution were discussed and the following were agreed:

Section 2d Amended to reflect the new NHS organisational structure and included reference to the Integrated Care System (ICS).

Under Constitution and Conduct point 2 was changed to allow a maximum of 13 members on the Committee.

Otherwise the Constitution was unchanged. 

Any Other Business

Discussion was had around encouraging younger committee members and the involvement of teenagers.  The PPG has worked hard with Exmouth Community College and recently held a series of workshops at the College.

Sue will continue to seek engagement with the Community College

Discussion was had about the current situation with the pharmacies in the town.  It is believed that the takeover of Lloyds is progressing as planned

With committee member retiring there is a need for a volunteer to monitor the PPG email and friends and family.  LP agree to take on this role

SL asked for a volunteer to help with liaising with the Medical Centre regarding the PPG newsletter, LO and CK/PF agree to volunteer

Budleigh Community Workshop have expressed an interest it be involved with the PPG and it was agreed that the workshop provides a valuable social tool for the population of Budleigh Salterton. This is to be explored and it was agreed that  a representative of the Workshop will be invited to attend the next meeting to describe the activities which take place.

Meeting Closure

The meeting closed at 1.30pm.  A date for the next AGM will be set in due course.