PPG Meeting Minutes

September 2022

Meeting Date: Tuesday 13th September 2022 Start Time: 12.30 pm
Location: Norman Centre, Town Hall End Time: 1.30pm
Present: Kathryn Blurton (KB); Robert Harland (RH); Sue Lake (SL); Mark McGlade (MM); Peter Frean (PF); Chris Kitson (CK); Jacqui Ruhlig (JR); Richard Waller (RW); Judy Wright (JW) Dr Tania Davies (T)
Absent: David Forward (DF); Deborah Mitchell (DM); Mike Rice (MR); Lynette Oram (LO)

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies were received from DM, DF, MR and LO.

Previous Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on July 4th 2022 were approved.

Practice Update

A new member of staff, Laura Wright, has joined the administration team.

The delivery of Covid vaccine to the Surgery has been delayed until mid-October; this affects several areas in Devon and relates to ensuring the vaccine is adequately stored and fully utilised within its short shelf life. Uptake for vaccination clinics in some areas has been slow and could lead to wasted vaccine, this is not the case in Budleigh Salterton and surrounding villages, clinics soon become fully booked as they are opened. Patients should be reassured that the vaccine will be available and the delay is short. In the meantime, Greendale and Lewis pharmacy are holding separate Covid vaccination clinics. All GPs will provide flu jab clinics and the intention in Budleigh Salterton is to provide both vaccinations at one visit (wherever possible).

Dr Simon Kaye has joined the team as a locum GP for one day per week. Other locums are also engaged as required, these are known to the practice staff and are already familiar to some patients.

PF suggested that the Practice website should be updated to include pictures of regular clinicians attending the practice with the caveat that, owing to workload demands and other issues, it is not possible at this time to say exactly who is attending on specific days. However, this would enable patients to look and find the name of the person they have seen if they are unsure after the appointment. Overall, the PPG felt the website could do with more regular updating.

Electric bike update

A model of electric bicycle for use by Surgery staff has been chosen. A donation of £2,000 towards the costs will be made by the Surgery Charity. If additional funds are required CK suggested that the Norman Family Trust might be able to help.

Lloyds Pharmacy update

There was considerable discussion about the continuing sudden closures of the 2 branches of Lloyds Pharmacy in the town; and the impact this is having upon residents of Budleigh Salterton and the surrounding

villages. Concern was also expressed that more recently some staff are not as helpful as they were. BBC Spotlight’s interview with SL and CK has helped to highlight the problem particularly as the programme showed that this issue with Lloyds is not a local problem but is experienced in several other towns in Devon. This week another new manager, responsible for both pharmacies is in post and another new pharmacist has started this week, this high staff turnover adds to residents worries. The Lloyds monopoly continues and no statutory seems willing to grasp the problem and resolve it.

PPG Member Feedback

SL reported a rise in the use of the Exmouth Foodbank by local residents. Launchpad are working with the Food Bank to set up a local service at Wesley’s at the local Methodist Church. Members reiterated their personal experiences of Lloyds services and added they fear patients are now stockpiling medicines because of concerns about the closures.


No correspondence for this meeting

Any other business

Nothing further was raised.

Next meeting

8th November 2022, 12:30pm