Mental Health

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Up to one in four people will experience poor mental health at some point in their lives. They could be caused by stressful events such as losing a job, bereavement or money issues. These feelings can often be intense, but are often temporary. With the right support and help people make good, positive steps towards recovery

Contingency plan contacts in a crisis are:

  • Crisis Team - Tel: 0300 555 5000 (Adults and Children)
  • NHS Service - Tel: 111
  • Moorings Crisis Cafe (Exeter) - Tel: 07990 790920
  • Samaritans - Tel: 116 123
  • Saneline - Tel: 0300 304 7000 


The AccEPT Clinic is an NHS funded psychological therapies service in Exeter offering Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for adults who have had depression in the past and are looking for ways to stay well. MBCT is a nationally recommended treatment for recurrent depression, and we are a centre of excellence in the UK, running for 12 years now. 

We are the main local provider of MBCT serving the Mid, East and North of Devon, as well as being a centre for high-quality research and training in MBCT in the UK.  The Service is free to all patients in the NEW Devon catchment area and patients can either be referred by their GP or you can direct patients to refer themselves.  We run groups regularly throughout the year so referrals are always open.  In usual times we run face to face groups in Exeter, East, Mid and North Devon but currently our courses are online via Zoom.



BBC Headroom

  • Mindful Tips
  • Mood Mixes
  • Personal Stories
  • Motivation

We know we can’t solve all your troubles, but we can give you tools to help.

Whether it is everyday tips, sounds to relax your mindstrategies to cope with parenting right now or films to get you talking, we are here to help you look after yourself and your loved ones.



SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers

 Please contact 0300 304 7000 or 07984 967 708 giving your first name and a contact numer to receive a call back.

Our helpline is here to support you when you feel you have reached a moment of crisis. We know that moment of crisis is different for everybody – some people can reach that point daily, and for some people it is a rare occurrence.




A free, confidential, NHS talking therapy service for adults, offering effective treatments and therapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), to help with low mood, stress and depression, and for people living with panic attacks, social anxiety/shyness, phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), agoraphobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and health anxiety 



Online Mindfulness for Recurrent Depression

The AccEPT Clinic is now offering FREE ONLINE Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

MBCT is an 8 week course for adults (over 18) who have experienced several episodes of depression but are currently well and want to find ways to stop.  The therapy comprises of practices supported by a therapist and materials, teaching you ways to manage thoughts and feelings.  There are various courses availble throughout the year and you can self refer.



Reading Well

Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading.  The books are chosen by health experts and people living with the conditions covered. People can be recommended a title by a health professional, or they can visit their local library and take a book out for free.



The Quiet Mind Centre

The Quiet Mind Centre is based in Exmouth and is staffed by therapists and receptionists who freely donate their time and skills. Your location is not important – if you need our help, and can get to us, we welcome you at The Quiet Mind Centre.  

They are dedicated to providing therapies to people who are suffering from a physical, emotional or stress related health problem or bereavement, and, who are on some form of a benefit such as students, pensioners, income support, unemployed, or, who are on a low income. To name but a few. 



The Moorings Crisis Support

Can we help you during the cold, dark, often wet miserable nights of winter? Are you dreading the holiday season? Are you worrying about the cost? Or perhaps the cost of keeping your home warm and dry this winter.

Rather than looking to A&E or suffering in silence, come and pay us a visit, you won’t have the long wait and we will try to help you find a solution to the things in your life that are causing you distress. Here you can access one-to-one support from the team in a warm and welcoming, a safe, non-judgmental and non-clinical environment. We will work with you to reduce your immediate distress, and support you to access services and opportunities available to you.

Open: 6pm - 12am Monday - Friday, 12pm-12am Saturday - Sunday

To contact The Mooring call 07990 790 920 or send them an email




if you ever find yourself at your lowest. Please contact your GP, or please contact Samaritans - the suicide prevention charity. "We make sure there’s someone there for anyone who needs someone."




The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM exists to change this. 

We are all incredible beings, and there’s no shame in feeling a little down every now and then. There is a place, and there are people, you can turn to when you feel like there isn’t. That place is CALM.   RKZ, DJ & MUSICIAN



Community Mental Health Services

Devon Partnership Trust provides a wide range of NHS services to people with mental health and learning disability needs in Devon.  To access information about local mental services, including adult and child mental health services, Autism, Early intervention in psychosis, Eating Disorders, Gender identity, the older peoples mental health services, learning disability, personality disorders, mental health in pregnant women and women who have just given birth.



New Leaf

New Leaf is part of Devon Partnership NHS Trust’s Vocational Rehabilitation Service. The service has been developed from delivering many years of therapy, training and supported employment to adults living with a mental health condition who are working towards paid employment now or in the future.